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FF14 (Final Fantasy XIV) Dawntrail - Alexandria Dungeon Guide

In Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail, Alexandria is the first level 100 dungeon, serving as the core of the expansion’s last story quest. As players go through the Meso Terminal, they learn about Queen Sphene and her memories about how Alexandria fell. In this guide you will find how to unlock it, what each boss can do and plan your approach for winning against Antivirus X, Amalgam and Eliminator (the last boss). Get ready for a tough route through intricate and engaging dungeon where teamwork is everything and there is nothing more important than quick reactions.

Unsealing Alexandria

The first level 100 dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail expansion is Alexandria and it unlocks during the main scenario quest "Dawntrail." By talking to Wuk Lamat in Living Memory (X:11.4, Y:4.6), players can unlock the dungeon. This place serves as the last mission for Dawntrail expansion where players explore through True Queen Sphene’s memory when Alexandra fell on which they will come across challenges having an immersive experience.

First Boss: Antivirus X

Antivirus X is the first boss you meet when you enter Alexandria. This boss features a few attacks that might not be many, but especially when combined, can be challenging.

Immune Response

The very first attack that Antivirus X uses is called “Immune Response,” which is an area-of-effect (Aoe). The AOE may appear as a cone in front of the boss or wave-like from side to rear. The AoE will hit within the glowing purple area and players must move accordingly to avoid this. The first time this attack is used it will stretch across the outer rim of the arena making positioning critical.

Foreign Entity Removal Initiated

“Foreign Entity Removal Initiated” therefore produces five markers in a U shape around the boss. It would be possible to tell what kind of AoE are going to occur at each marker’s location by its form, with Interferon R (circle) causing a ring AoE centered on it and Interferon C (cross) generating a cross-shaped AoE. By standing on circle-shaped ones and avoiding cross-shaped one’s players have to move with markers so as not to become harmed at all. The ability of players to rapidly identify patterns and respond to transforming conditions on the battlegrounds is put to test during this assault.


“Quarantine” is a dual-leveled,” attack which targets both Tank and another random player. The tank is struck with a high damage AoE whose effect can be mitigated by defensive cooldowns. During the same time, the stack marker marks one non-tank party member, necessitating that the other players group up and split the damage. To lower this move’s effectiveness proper positioning and communication must be done.

FFXIV Dawntrail Antivirus X


The “Cytolysis” is an AoE that hits all members of a room with damage. This attack cannot be avoided, and healers must have quick thinking to restore health back to all their patients as fast as possible. When damage from this along with other attacks happens at once, it becomes too much for any healer to handle; hence they need to ration their resources properly.

After using Interferon markers for the first time, Antivirus X will mix this mechanic with Immune Response to force players dodge through the AoE following those markers. Use of Sprint to jump rapidly from marker to marker may prove very useful here. Also, you can use Gil, the in-game currency of FFXIV to purchase yourself some boosts and skills to defeat the Antivirus X easily. So make sure you always have enough stock of the Gil before your jump into a combat. If you are falling short of the Gil, get it for real money from reputed and trusted seller MMOPixel.

Visit our website MMOPixel to purchase FFXIV Gil at the cheapest rate on the web. We offer quick delivery, safe payments, and 24x7 chat support.

Second Boss: Amalgam

The second boss called Amalgam in Alexandria is quite complicated in terms of its mechanics and attacks.

Phase 1

During this phase, Amalgam will rely on "Electrowave", which delivers an AoE across the entire room that hits all party members, as well as leaving a harmful AoE at the very sides of the playing area. While dodging this players need to avoid these zones. This attack sets the mood for the fight by stressing out constant watchfulness and moving around. On random points, it’ll also use “Disassembly” that makes Amalgam split into three parts which than move into three corners of the arena thereby creating a triangle-shaped AoE which covers half of it. Players must detect other pieces so that they can position themselves correctly to avoid this. The triangular pattern keeps changing with each use adding some unpredictability thereby requiring players to stay alert.

Phase 2

Once the first phase is over, Amalgam will begin to become difficult with a move called “Centralized Current”. It generates a straight line AoE of purple electricity down the centre of the stage which explodes and should be jumped either way through sidestepping. Hence, while using this attack they must always monitor their neighbouring territory and act promptly to evade receiving blows. Similar to Centralized Current, “Split Current” but it creates two-line AoEs on both sides of the boss such that players should stand in his middle. Different patterns in Centralized and Split currents will demand from gamers to improvise their adapting ability concerning various placements of AoEs plus keeping up optimal placement. Three AoE lines appear on one side of the arena during “Energy Accumulates in the Electrope” after which every player is targeted by an AoE marker. To prevent overlapping damage, players should spread out once they have avoided the line AOEs. This mechanic uses multiple AOEs and tests the coordination and spatial awareness of players.

Phase 3

Finally, the tank should use defensive cooldowns to mitigate “Amalgamight,” which is a high-damage tank buster. This attack emphasizes how important the role of a Tank is when it comes to absorbing and managing damage for safety of all party members. You should proceed with caution when dealing with this attack. One person gets a stack marker from “Super Bolt” and others must gather round in order to divide this damage among themselves. It takes effective communication and fast reactions for the group to safely handle this attack. “Ternary Charge” involves three back-to-back AOEs: first, there is a close-range AOE followed by two ring AOEs. Players should stand just outside the first AOE, then move into its area to avoid subsequent ones. The precision timing and movement are necessary here to dodge taking damage.

Amalgam will repeat these attacks until defeated with Disassembly plus Energy Accumulates in the Electrope being most difficult combination. Quick reactions together with proper positioning are vital in surviving these mechanics.

FFXIV Dawntrail Amalgam

Final Boss: Eliminator

The last boss of FF14 Dawntrail Alexandria is Eliminator, a challenging encounter with many mechanics. The battle commences with “Disruption,” an AoE that covers the entire room causing damage to all party members starting from the sides of the arena. Players should be awake and actively avoid any incoming damage.

Phase 1

Partition and Reconfigured Partition are sword attacks that hit one side of the arena before switching sides. These require players to watch how the boss moves and adjust their positions accordingly. Subroutine comes in two forms, a line AoE and ring AE. For line AoE, players must dodge glowing purple line indicators while for ring AoE; a safe area appears in a circle under d’Elimbit. In the course of this phase, when there is ring AoE attack, players have to move into it as well as avoid overlapping AOE markers.

Phase 2

Overexposure targets one player at random via linear stack marker making it necessary for group members to gather up so as to spread out the damage among themselves. Lightning Generators summon six generators which need to be destroyed quickly or else Holo Ark will be cast by the boss’s ultimate attack when Charge bar becomes 100 wiping off all members in its path. Beyond that they must also dodge attacks such as Light of Salvation: tracking line AOE or Light of Devotion: another linear stack marker.

Phase 3

In the last phase, a third version of Subroutine has been introduced with a knockback marker to it, which calls for careful positioning in order to avoid being knocked into dangerous areas. On the arena lines explode dealing huge magic damage and testing respective players’ ability to identify and react to their threats quickly. Eliminator will keep on doing this until beaten meaning that players have to dodge accurately, position themselves ideally and work together. To stay alive, it is critical to observe the boss’s sword and react to visual cues. Once the battle is over, you will provide accessories like level 690 Epochal as a form of loot that are you can take.

FFXIV Dawntrail Eliminator


Alexandria is the first level 100 dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail; it give you an exhilarating and challenging experience. Every boss comes with different mechanics while attacking that require coordination, fast reflexes and tactics from gamers. Players can overcome these great obstacles inside Meso Terminal by understanding mechanics correctly as well as by correct positioning leading them to the end of Queen Sphene’s nightmare reign. Get ready your teams, develop your skills better than before and go ahead towards Alexandria memory for remembrance in Eorzea history.

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