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Black Myth Wukong Best Poison Build - High DPS

Looking to melt enemy health bars in Black Myth Wukong? We've got you covered with the ultimate Poison Build that delivers high DPS and turns you into a formidable force against even the toughest bosses. This build leverages the power of poison to deal damage over time while massively boosting your attack power. Let's dive into how you can set up this game-changing build.

To get the most out of your Black Myth Wukong experience, consider purchasing Black Myth Wukong Sparks, Will, and other powerful items from MMOPixel.

Why Choose the Poison Build?

Black Myth Wukong Best Poison Build - High DPS 

This Poison Build is especially potent in the endgame, primarily after Chapter 4, but it's well worth the investment. By applying poison to both your enemies and yourself, you unlock a double-edged sword that drastically amplifies your damage output.

Don't worry about the self-poisoning aspect—the trade-off is minimal compared to the colossal damage you'll deal.

Core Components of the Build

Legendary Spider Celestial Staff

Legendary Spider Celestial Staff 

● Attack Power: 85

● Critical Hit Chance: +12%

● Unique Effect: Heals you and applies poison to enemies with charged heavy attacks.

The Spider Celestial Staff is your main weapon. It's an upgraded version of the Epic Titan Staff and becomes available after defeating the Violet Spider boss in Chapter 4.

This staff synergizes perfectly with the Centipede Armor, providing a massive damage boost.

Legendary Centipede Qiang-Jin Armor Set

Legendary Centipede Qiang-Jin Armor Set 

● 2-Piece Bonus: Massively reduces continuous damage from being in a poisoned state.

● 4-Piece Bonus: Significantly increases attack while poisoned.

Not only does this armor set look incredibly cool, but it also offers high defense and fantastic perks.

You'll need to progress through Chapters 3 and 4 to gather the necessary materials.

The 2-piece set bonus massively reduces the continuous damage received from the self-poison.

This Best Poison Build in Black Myth Wukong is based on poison self-infliction. So, it will tackle that, alongside tackling enemies that inflict poison damage.


Curios for Best Poison Build in Black Myth Wukong 

1. Amber Prayer Beads

○ Location: Found in Chapter 5.

○ Effect: Increases the speed of building up focus points.

2. Cho Jin Yin Belt Hook

○ Location: Beginning of Chapter 4.

○ Effect: Further increases poison resistance.

3. Celestial Birthstone Fragment

○ Location: Obtained after defeating the frog boss in the final chapter.

○ Effect: Ignores all four Bane resistances on enemies, allowing you to poison any boss.

Spirit: Poison Scorpion Prince

Spirit: Poison Scorpion Prince 

This spirit adds a ranged attack to your arsenal. You can stab foes from a distance, instantly poisoning them, and inject venom onto the ground to amplify damage against any target standing within it.

How to Self-Poison for Maximum Damage

To truly unleash the full potential of your Poison Build in Black Myth Wukong, you'll need to keep yourself in a poisoned state. This might sound risky, but with the right strategy and equipment, it turns into a powerful advantage. Here’s how you can master self-poisoning for maximum damage:

● Death Stinger Soak: Start by adding the Death Stinger Soak to your health potion. Every time you drink it, you'll automatically poison yourself, ensuring that you're always in the ideal state to deal massive damage.

● Armor Synergy: Equip the Legendary Centipede Armor to minimize the drawbacks of being poisoned. The 2-piece bonus of this armor significantly reduces the damage you take from poison, turning what could be a deadly debuff into a mere inconvenience. With this armor, the continuous damage from poison becomes manageable, allowing you to focus on dishing out pain instead of worrying about your health.

● Cho Jin Yin Belt Hook: To push your resilience even further, add the Cho Jin Yin Belt Hook to your build. This item stacks with your armor’s effects, further reducing the poison damage over time, making it feel like just a scratch. With both the armor and the belt hook, you're not just surviving the poison—you’re thriving in it.

Equip yourself with the best gear by acquiring Sparks and Will through MMOPixel. Not only can you find these crucial items there, but you can also take advantage of their boosting services to dominate the toughest bosses in the game. With the right preparation, no enemy will stand a chance against your relentless, poison-fueled onslaught.

Optimal Staff Stance and Spells

Smash Stance

● Allows you to move freely while charging heavy attacks.

● Can charge while sprinting with the appropriate upgrade.

● Great for initiating fights with a fully charged heavy attack.


1. Cloud Step

○ Synergy: Works well with Smash stance, giving you more time to charge heavy attacks without interruption.

○ Utility: Useful for setting up attacks or drinking a potion safely.

2. Immobilize

○ Effect: Freezes enemies in place, giving you a window to stack damage and apply poison.

○ Recommendation: Max out this spell for maximum effectiveness.

3. Duplicate

○ Benefit: Your duplicates can apply poison and cast spells if upgraded.

○ Strategy: Overwhelm enemies with multiple sources of damage and poison.

Skill Tree Allocation


Foundation Skills for High DPS Poison Build in Black Myth Wukong 

● Focus: Unlock all stamina skills up to Composure.

● Benefit: Execute more dodges and continue combos after dodging to build up focus.

Martial Arts

● Recommendation: Invest in all skills.

● Perks: Strengthen light attacks and unlock Staff Spin to block projectiles and build focus.


● Wrathful Escalation: Increases critical hit chance.

● Wrathful Might: Boosts critical hit damage.

● Surging Momentum: Further increases attack power.

Staff Stances

Staff Stance Skills for Black Myth Wukong Best Poison Build 

● Primary Stance: Smash stance.

● Additional Skills: Versatility (increases combo damage) and Quick Hand (speeds up charging).

Mysticism and Alteration

Mysticism and Alteration Skills for Poison Build Wukong 

● Mysticism: Max out Immobilize spell.

● Alteration: Prioritize Cloud Step over Rock Solid.


Strand Skills for Poison Build in Black Myth Wukong 

● Focus: Max out Duplicate spell.

● Advantage: Clones deal more damage, have more health, and can apply spells.

Tactics and Strategies

1. Initiate Fights: When engaging enemies, always start with the Cloud Step technique. This ability allows you to gracefully maneuver across the battlefield, closing the distance between you and your target while safely charging a heavy attack. By the time you reach your enemy, you'll be ready to unleash a devastating blow, catching them off guard and starting the fight on your terms.

2. Boss Fights: Facing a tough boss? The Immobilize skill is your best friend. This powerful ability can freeze bosses in place, giving you a brief but critical window to unleash your highest damage attacks without fear of retaliation. Timing is everything—make sure you’ve got your strongest moves lined up to make the most of this opportunity.

3. Crowd Control: When you're surrounded by multiple enemies, staying in control is key. Use your ability to deploy duplicates to manage the chaos. These duplicates can help draw the attention of enemies, giving you the breathing room to focus on specific targets. At the same time, use these moments to spread poison among your foes, applying it en masse to weaken the entire group and set the stage for a swift victory.

4. Maintain Poison State: To keep your attack power at its peak, it's essential to regularly use the Death Stinger Soak. This ensures that you're consistently in a poisoned state, which boosts your damage output. Don’t let the poison wear off—keep it active to maintain your edge in battle and overwhelm your enemies with relentless power.

Vessel Choice

Weaver's Needle is an excellent choice for those who thrive on dealing sustained damage. This vessel is not just about raw power; it’s about precision and control in battle.

● Function: The Weaver's Needle is designed to maximize your damage over time. Every hit you land with this vessel will continue to chip away at your enemy’s health, making it perfect for prolonged encounters where you can outlast and outmaneuver your foes.

● Utility: Beyond its damage-dealing capabilities, the Weaver's Needle also offers strategic advantages in combat. It can effectively distract enemies, pulling their attention away from you and disrupting their attacks. This gives you crucial windows of opportunity to charge up heavy attacks or reposition yourself for a more advantageous strike. In the heat of battle, this distraction can be the difference between victory and defeat, allowing you to maintain control over the fight.

For those looking to enhance their gameplay and speed up their progress, MMOPixel offers a range of Sparks, Will, and boosting services to ensure you're always ready for battle in Black Myth Wukong. With these resources, you can optimize your build and tackle the game’s challenges with confidence.


We highly encourage you to give this Poison Build a try. It's exceptionally effective against every enemy and boss in Black Myth Wukong, providing continuous damage over time and significantly boosting your attack power. You'll feel incredibly powerful as you watch enemies crumble under your assaults.

Stay tuned for more Black Myth Wukong guides and tips. Let's conquer this game together!

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