
WoW Classic Phase 3 Guide to Fel portal Use and Locations

Season of Discovery's Phase 3 unleashes Fel Portals as swirling gateways brimming with challenge and potential rewards. Warlocks and Mages, this guide is your ultimate weapon to conquer these mysterious portals. We'll crack the code on their uses, the awesome loot they hold, and where to find them hidden across Azeroth. Plus, we'll uncover the five strange materials you might encounter on your expeditions through these portals. Time to sharpen your skills and prepare for an epic adventure!

The Fel and its Variations

Fel, a malevolent emerald energy, is the essence of burning shadows and demonic corruption. It warps and twists anything it touches, imbuing it with dark power. Here's a glimpse into the five main Fel variations:

  • Fel Iron: This warped metal, forged in the fires of the Burning Legion, possesses incredible strength and resilience. Blacksmiths covet Fel Iron for crafting powerful armor and weaponry.

  • Felcloth: This corrupted fabric, woven from the hides of demonic creatures, exudes a faint green glow. Tailors prize Felcloth for creating potent magical garments.

5 Types of Fel Energy:

We already know about Fel Iron and Felcloth that players can use to craft things. But Fel energy itself shows up in other ways around Azeroth, not just in those materials.

  • Fel Silver: This metal is warped by Fel magic, giving off an eerie green glow. Unlike regular silver, Fel Silver is super tough, able to handle powerful enchantments. Jewelcrafters love this stuff because it lets them create amazing magical trinkets and jewelry. It's like the perfect mix of raw Fel power and a jeweler's skill!

  • Fel Tear: Imagine a chunk of pure Fel energy so strong it tears a hole in reality! These Fel Shards are dangerous, but if you're brave enough, they could lead to amazing rewards.

  • Fel Crack: A Fel Crack is like a small, shaky crack in the ground that leaks out powerful dark magic called Fel energy. It usually appears in places where demons have a big influence. Warlocks, who are magic users, can use these cracks to do strong rituals. They're like special spots where really strong magic comes from, and only certain magic users can use them.

  • Fel Rift: A Fel Rift is a larger, more stable tear in reality, pouring out dark magic and menacing demons. Warlocks, who use dark magic, can interact with Fel Rifts. These rifts act as gateways connecting our world to a sinister realm teeming with dark energy and demons. Only Warlocks possess the knowledge to harness their power.

  • Fel Scar: A Fel Scar is like a never-healing cut on the land, all messed up by dark magic. These scars are usually empty, dead places full of demons. It's as if the land itself got sick from the bad magic. You can see how bad it is because nothing grows there, and it's always creepy with demons around.

WoW Classic SoD Fel Energy

The Explorer Imp

To get the Explorer Imp, just use the Drain Soul spell on any enemy creature. Whenever you defeat a creature with Drain Soul, there's a good chance you'll get something called an Explorer's Soul. When you use this, you'll know how to bring out the Explorer Imp whenever you want. What's cool is that Warlocks can have both the Explorer Imp and their usual pets out at the same timeThis means they can have more companions on their journeys, which makes things even more fun and interestingSo, if you're a Warlock looking to add a little extra help to your adventures, Drain Soul might just be the spell you need to learn.

Warlocks using the Portals and their Location

These gateways look like twirling green and purple holes, usually tucked away in far-off places. We'll check out places we know for sure later. These portals are like secret doors in the world, hidden away in places where not many people go. They're strange and mysterious, and only certain people know where they are!

Warlocks, who are brave magic users, have found some places where they know for sure these portals exist all over Azeroth. If you're a Warlock looking to explore and use these portals, here's a list of places to start. Even though we're not entirely certain where they all are, Warlocks' curious nature has led them to discover many of these portals in different parts of the world.

Eastern Kingdoms:

  • Silverpine Forest: Look around the edges of Duskwood Village. There, among the shadows and eerie atmosphere, you might find what you seek. Warlocks, drawn to the dark energies, have often uncovered Fel Portals in these desolate outskirts. It's a place where the boundary between our world and the demonic realm grows thin.

  • The Barrens: Climb up the steep slopes near the peak of Mount Inferno. Warlocks have sensed potent Fel energies lingering there, hinting at the presence of a hidden Fel Portal waiting to be discovered.

  • Westfall: Explore the darkness within the deserted mines of the Thundering Caverns. Deep within these caverns, Warlocks have detected sinister energies, suggesting the existence of a concealed Fel Portal. It's a place where the echoes of dark magic resonate ominously.

  • Darkshore: Discover the hidden portal nestled deep within the core of the Shadowmire Swamp. Warlocks have sensed potent Fel energies emanating from this murky heart, signaling the presence of a concealed gateway to the demonic realm.


  • Desolace: Be watchful around the strange old buildings scattered everywhere, especially near the leftovers of the big city called Eldre'Thalas. You might find something interesting there, so keep your eyes open.

  • Felwood: Head into the spooky forest, where dark magic rules. Get ready to battle, because Felwood is packed with scary demons protecting the portals hidden inside.

  • Ashenvale: There are stories going around about Fel Portals in the special forests of Ashenvale, but going into that area is really risky. The night elves who live there protect it fiercelyand they won't think twice about getting rid of anyone who tries to sneak in.

Use the Imp Navigator spell to send your trusted Explorer Imp into the portal. This gives you the "Imp on a Mission" bonus, stopping you from calling another Imp for a little while. It's like sending your special helper on an adventure, and while they're gone, you can't bring another one to help you out. But don't worry, your Imp will be back soon, ready to assist you once again in your magical endeavors.

WoW Classic SoD Kalimdor

Mages - Key for Fixing Spaces

Mages have a way to handle Fel Portals too. They use something called a Scroll of Spatial Mending. But, to make this scroll, you need to be very skilled at Enchanting, at least level 120. You can learn how to make it from a special book that could be hidden in the Otherworldly Treasure. Once you've got the scroll, it's time to find a Fel Portal. When you do, use the scroll on it. This action grants you a neat little bonus known as the Balefire Bolt rune. It's like a reward for your magical prowess. So, if you're a Mage looking to tackle Fel Portals, sharpen your Enchanting skills and keep an eye out for that elusive scroll. With it, you'll be ready to face whatever challenges await on the other side of those swirling portals of dark magic.

Treasures and Secrets

Take a glimpse at what you might find, including items influenced by Fel magic. Inside, there are rare and mysterious treasures waiting to be found. Some might even hold dark magic, so handle with care. It's like a secret stash full of surprises, waiting for someone bold enough to explore and reveal its secrets.

  • Consumables: You'll discover potions, elixirs, and bandages to keep you strong and ready for battle when you need them most.

  • Crafting Materials: You might stumble upon rare herbs, ores, enchanting materials, and Fel-touched resources such as Felcloth or Fel Iron, perfect for crafting potent equipment and magical items.

  • Worldcore Fragments: These fragments contain the essence of broken worlds and are vital for Warlocks to acquire the potent Backdraft Rune, a crucial tool for their magic. Gathering them is essential for mastering the dark arts.

  • Rune of the Felguard: The Backdraft Rune, a rare find for Warlocks, lies within the Otherworldly Treasure. It has the potential to boost the abilities of your Felguard companion, making it an invaluable discovery for those skilled in dark magic.

  • Gold Coins: The in-game currency gold coins plays a huge role in your SoD Phase 3 journey. So make sure you have enough stock of the same. 

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That's all for this Fel Portal guide, adventurers! We talked about Fel energy and how Warlocks and Mages can use it. We also looked at cool stuff you might find, like special materials and strange pieces. Warlocks, keep an eye out for Fel Portals, especially in spooky places like Duskwood Village or Thundering Caverns. Use your Explorer Imp to help you find them. Mages, you're not left out! Learn to make a Scroll of Spatial Mending to join in. No matter what you are, if you're brave enough, Fel Portals are a chance for adventure and treasure. So get ready, adventurers, and get ready to explore!

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