
World of Warcraft: WotLK PvP Tier List

WoW WotLK has multiple classes and specializations. Thus, we’ve prepared this article to give you a quick glance at this topic. In this WotLK PvP Tier List, you’ll find the best class and specializations regarding PvP Wrath Classic.

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WotLK PvP Tier List Ranking Criteria






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WotLK PvP Tier List Ranking Criteria

This tier list for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft ranks all classes and specs based on their performance in PvP combat. The main aspects we use to rank each class are based upon 3 factors:

  • Crowd Control Effects

  • Sustained and Burst Damage

  • Synergy with other classes, support, buffs, and debuffs.


Subtlety Rogue

Sub rogues are dark stalkers who leap from the shadows to ambush their prey. They require a high skill level but provide good control over the battlefield. Their key ability is Shadowdance which gives them crowd control and setup skills. They also work great with many team compositions. It features six core abilities:





Finishing move that disembowels the target, causing damage per combo point.


Strike the target, dealing (87.35% of Attack power) Physical damage.


Stab the target, causing X Physical damage. Damage increased by 20% when you are behind your target.

Shuriken Storm

Sprays shurikens at all targets within 10 yards, dealing (72.15% of attack power) Physical damage.

Shadow Dance

Allows use of all Stealth abilities and grants all the combat benefits of Stealth for 4 sec. Effect not broken from taking damage or attacking.

Symbols of Death

Invoke ancient symbols of power, generating 40 Energy and increasing your damage done by 15% for 10 seconds.

Holy Paladin

Holy Paladin is an excellent support class who invokes the power of the Light to protect and heal. In general, the Holy Paladins perform a great set of defensive cooldowns with their Auras and Hands skills. Besides, they get many buffs in Wrath of the Lich King, such as Beacon of Light, which provides the ability to duplicate heals on different targets. They also have high defense and are very good at mana conservation. Their six core abilities are the following:




Flash of Light

Expends a large amount of mana to quickly heal a friendly target for (168% of Spell power).

Holy Shock

Triggers a burst of Light on the target, dealing (77% of Spell power) Holy damage to an enemy, or (155% of Spell power) healing to an ally.

Beacon of Light

Wrap a single ally in holy energy, causing your heals on other party or raid members to also heal that ally for 50% of the amount healed.

Infusion of Light

Your critical Holy Shocks reduce the cost of your next Flash of Light by 30% or cause your next Holy Light to generate 1 Holy Power.

Light of the Martyr

Sacrifice a portion of your health to instantly heal an ally for (210% of Spell power). You take damage equal to 50% of the healing done. Does not cause your Beacon of Light to be healed. Cannot be cast on yourself.

Light of Dawn

Unleashes a wave of holy energy, healing up to 5 injured allies within a 15 yd frontal cone for (105% of Spell power).

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Arms Warrior

In short, these warriors are the best melee burst damage spec at PvP in Wrath of the Lich King. They’re masters of two-handed weapons with great mobility and overpowering attacks. They’re a real threat against healers and can destroy multiple targets with AoE. Arms Warriors are solid comps for any type of combination.

Their six core abilities are the following:




Mortal Strikes

A vicious strike that deals (439% of weapon damage) Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec.


Overpower the enemy, dealing (70% of Attack power) Physical damage. Cannot be blocked, dodged, or parried.

Colossus Smash

Smashes the enemy's armor, dealing (150% of Attack power) Physical damage, and increasing damage you deal to them by 30% for 10 sec.

Sweeping Strikes 

For 12 sec your single-target damaging abilities hit 1 additional target within 8 yds for 75% damage.

Die by the Sword

Increases your parry chance by 100% and reduces all damage you take by 30% for 8 sec.


Become an unstoppable storm of destructive force, striking all targets within 8 yards for (1099% of weapon damage) Physical damage over 6 sec.

Arcane Mage

This is a specialization that focuses on delivering magic damage through manipulating the arcane, destroying enemies with overwhelming power. This spec is a bit uni-dimensional since all they do is stack arcane blasts on a target. They can instantly cast an ability. Two important disadvantages of the Arcane Mage are that they don’t have Cold Snap and run out of mana very quickly. Their six core abilities are:




Arcane Blast 

Blasts the target with energy, dealing (55% of spell power) Arcane damage.

Each Arcane Charge increases damage by 60% and mana cost by 100%, and reduces cast time by 8%.

Arcane Barrage

Launches bolts of arcane energy at the enemy target, causing (72.8% of Spell power) Arcane damage.

For each Arcane Charge, deals 30% additional damage.

Arcane Missiles

Launches five waves of Arcane Missiles at the enemy over 2.5 sec, causing a total of (218.7% of Spell power) Arcane damage.


Increases your mana regeneration by 750% for 6 sec.

Arcane Power

For 10 / 15 sec you deal 30% more spell damage.

Touch of the Magi

Applies Touch of the Magi to your current target, accumulating 25% of the damage you deal to the target for 8 sec, and then exploding for that amount of Arcane damage to the target and reduces damage to all nearby enemies.

Frost Mage

Frost Mages have great crowd control with their slows, freezes, and stuns. They freeze enemies in their tracks and shatter them with frost magic damage. They also have good mobility but also very poor survivability. Their six core abilities are:





Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing (51.1% of Spell power) Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.

Ice Lance

Quickly flings a shard of ice at the target, dealing (37.8% of spell power) Frost damage.

Summon Water Elemental

Summons a Water Elemental to follow and fight for you.

Fingers of Frost

Frostbolt has a 15% chance and Frozen Orb damage has a 10% to grant a charge of Fingers of Frost.


Unleashes a flurry of ice, striking the target 3 times for a total of [(31.6% of Spell power) * 3] Frost damage. Each hit reduces the target's movement speed by 70% for 1 sec.

Frozen Orb

Launches an orb of swirling ice up to 40 yards forward which deals up to (325.4% of spell power) Frost damage to 8 enemies it passes through. Grants 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first damages an enemy.

Discipline Priest

As a Priest, this is a healer spec who uses magic to shield allies from taking damage as well as heal their wounds. Discipline Priests have good dispels and can be very aggressive. The only disadvantage of these healers is that it is really hard for them to escape from melee attacks. Besides, Disc Priest works very well with multiple combinations of teams. Their six core abilities are:




Power Word: Shield

Shields an ally for 15 sec, absorbing ([Spell power * 1.65 * (1 + Versatility) * 1 * 1]) damage. You cannot shield the target again for 7.5 seconds.


Launches a volley of holy light at the target, causing [(40% of spell power) * 3] Holy damage to an enemy or [(125% of Spell power) * 3] healing to an ally over 2 sec. Castable while moving.


Power Word: Shield, Shadow Mend, and Power Word: Radiance apply Atonement to your target for 15 sec.
Your spell damage heals all targets affected by Atonement for 50% of the damage done.

Shadow Mend

Wraps an ally in shadows which heal for (320% of Spell power), but at a price.
The ally will take [(320% of Spell power) / 20] damage every 1 sec, until they have taken [(180% of Spell power) / 2] total damage from all sources, or leave combat.

Pain Suppresion

Reduces all damage taken by a friendly target by 40% for 8 sec. Castable while stunned.

Power Word: Barrier

Summons a holy barrier to protect all allies at the target location for 10 sec, reducing all damage taken by 25% and preventing damage from delaying spellcasting.


Restoration Druid

This spec, commonly known as Resto Druid, is a complete healer who uses nature spells to keep allies alive. Their heal-over-time abilities prevent them from healing while moving. However, on melee combat, they’re completely useless. Still, they have decent crowd control thanks to Cyclone. Their six core abilities are:





Heals the target for (104% of Spell power) over 12 sec.


Heals a friendly target for (173% of Spell power) and another (43.2% of Spell power) over 12 sec.


Consumes a Regrowth, Wild Growth, or Rejuvenation effect to instantly heal an ally for (345% of Spell power).

Ysera’s Gift

Heals you for 3% of your maximum health every 5 sec. If you are at full health, an injured party or raid member will be healed instead.

Wild Growth

Heals injured allies within 30 yards of the target for (91% of Spell power) over 7 sec. Healing starts high and declines over the duration.


Heals all allies within 40 yards for (295% of Spell power) over 8 sec. Each heal heals the target for another (6.88% of Spell power) over 8 sec, stacking.

Marksmanship Hunter

In short, marksmanship hunter is one of the best DPS specs in WotLK. They are a master archer or sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar. Thanks to them wielding a ranged weapon, they have good crowd control, burst damage, and defensive capabilities. Their six core abilities are:




Steady Shot

A steady shot that causes (60% of Attack power) Physical damage.

Arcane Shot

A quick shot that causes (57% of Attack power) Arcane damage.

Aimed Shot

A powerful aimed shot that deals (247.8% of Attack power) Physical damage.

Rapid Fire

Shoot a stream of 7 shots at your target over 2 sec, dealing a total of (242% of Attack Power) Physical damage.

Lone Wolf

Increases your damage by 10% when you do not have an active pet.

Trick Shots

When Multi-Shot hits 3 or more targets, your next Aimed Shot or Rapid Fire will ricochet and hit up to 5 additional targets for 55% of normal damage.

Destruction Warlock

This spec is the master of chaos who calls down fire to burn enemies. They boast high burst damage capabilities and they’re very dangerous due to Chaos Bolt. Still, they have low defense and can be an easy target of focused damage. Their six core abilities are:





Draws fire toward the enemy, dealing (64.1% of spell power) Fire damage.

Chaos Bolt

Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, dealing a critical strike for [2 * (120% of Spell power)] Chaos damage. Damage is further increased by your critical strike chance.


Burns the enemy, causing (133.2% of spell power) Fire damage immediately and an additional (432.9% of spell power) Fire damage over 18 sec.


Triggers an explosion on the target, dealing (226.551% of spell power) Fire damage.

Rain of Fire

Calls down a rain of hellfire, dealing (444% of spell power) Fire damage over 8 sec to enemies in the area.

Summon Infernal

Summons an Infernal from the Twisting Nether, impacting for (60% of Spell power) Fire damage and stunning all enemies in the area for 2 sec.

Feral Druid

This spec takes on the form of a feral cat to deliver melee damage through bites and bleeds. They have a strong crowd control thanks to their absolutely insane damage. They also have good defensive abilities and pair well with Arms Warrior and any Healer. Their six core abilities are:





Shred the target, causing (46% of Attack power) Physical damage to the target.

Ferocious Bite

Finishing move that causes Physical damage per combo point and consumes up to 25 additional Energy to increase damage by up to 100%.


Rakes the target for (18.225% of Attack power) Bleed damage and an additional (77.805% of Attack power) Bleed damage over 15 sec.

Tiger’s Fury

Instantly restores 20 Energy and increases the damage of all your attacks by 15% for their full duration. Lasts 10 sec.


Shifts into Cat Form and enters stealth.


Goes berserk for 20 sec, causing Rake and Shred to deal damage as though you were stealthed, and giving finishing moves a 20% chance per combo point spent to refund 1 combo point.

Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shaman, as you can infer, is a spellcaster specialization who manages and harnesses the destructive forces of elements. Lava Burst is a brand new ability for Wrath of the Lich King since it demolishes people by itself. They also provide some decent support with their totems. Thunderstorms can be used in both offensive and defensive scenarios. In short, this features some of the best burst damage in the game. It features six core abilities:




Lightning Bolt

Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing (95% of Spell power) Nature damage.

Earth Shock

Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing (210% of spell power) Nature damage.

Lava Burst

Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing (108% of spell power) Fire damage.

Fire Elemental

Calls forth a Greater Fire Elemental to rain destruction on your enemies for 30 sec. While the Fire Elemental is active, Flame Shock deals damage 25% faster.


Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing (300% of spell power) Physical damage over 6 sec and sometimes knocking down enemies.


Calls down a bolt of lightning, dealing (41.79% of spell power) Nature damage to all enemies within 10 yards, reducing their movement speed by 40% for 5 sec, and knocking them away from the Shaman. Usable while stunned.

Affliction Warlock

This spec specializes in drains and damage-over-time spells. They deliver very high amounts of sustained magic damage over time skills. A great disadvantage of affliction warlocks is that they’re very susceptible to burst damage. Their six core abilities are:





Corrupts the target, causing (91% of spell power) Shadow damage over 14 sec.


Inflicts increasing agony on the target, causing up to (214.4% of spell power) Shadow damage over 18 sec. Damage starts low and increases over the duration. Refreshing Agony maintains its current damage level.

Malefic Rapture

Your damaging periodic effects erupt on all targets, causing [0.335000008 * (Spell power) * (1 + Versatility)] Shadow damage per effect.

Unstable Affliction

Afflicts one target with (184% of spell power) Shadow damage over 16 sec.

Seed of Corruption

Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target that will explode after 18 sec, dealing (215% of spell power) Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards and applying Corruption to them.

Summon Darkglare

Summons a Darkglare from the Twisting Nether that extends the duration of your damage over time effects on all enemies by 8 sec.

Shadow Priest

Shadow Priests deliver magic damage by using sinister Shadow magic, and damage-over-time spells to eradicate enemies. They have a lot of abilities with good crowd control and disarm from Psychic Horror. They also have great damage mitigation. Their six core abilities are:




Shadow Word: Pain

A word of darkness that causes (12.92% of Spell power) Shadow damage instantly, and an additional (57.528% of Spell power) Shadow damage over 12 sec.

Mind Blast

Blasts the target's mind for (97.92% of spell power) Shadow damage.

MInd Flay

Assaults the target's mind with Shadow energy, causing (128.4% of spell power) Shadow damage over 4.5 sec and slowing their movement speed by 50%.


Assume a Shadowform, increasing your spell damage dealt by 10%.

Void Eruption

Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, activating Voidform and causing (129.2% of spell power) Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target.


Activated by casting Void Eruption. Twists your Shadowform with the powers of the Void, increasing spell damage you deal by 20%, granting an additional charge of Mind Blast, and refreshing Mind Blast's cooldown.

Retribution Paladin

This is a spec who judges and punishes opponents with Holy magic and weapons, providing melee damage. These paladins have good sustained and burst damage as well as numerous support abilities. They are great for helping teammates with instant heal and passive healing.  Their six core abilities are:




Crusader Strike

Strike the target for (76% of Attack power) Physical damage.

Templar’s Verdict

Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals (194% of Attack power) Holy damage to an enemy target.

Blade of Justice

Pierces an enemy with a blade of light, dealing (145% of Attack power) Physical damage.

Divine Storm

Unleashes a whirl of divine energy, dealing (134% of Attack power) Holy damage to up to 5 nearby enemies.

Shield of Vengeance

Creates a barrier of holy light that absorbs [(30% of Total health) * (1 + Versatility)] damage for 15 sec.

Wake of Ashes

Lashes out at your enemies, dealing (315% of Attack power) Radiant damage to all enemies within 12 yd in front of you and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 5 sec. Damage reduced on secondary targets.

Balance Druid

Balance druids deliver magic damage by taking on the form of a powerful Moonkin. They balance Nature magic with the power of Arcane to destroy enemies. Their biggest advantage is burst damage, especially with Starfall. They also have some defense thanks to Typhoon. The only disadvantage is that they do not have instant cast spell. Their six core abilities are:





A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for (20% of Spell power) Arcane damage and then an additional (104.4% of Spell power) Arcane damage over 12 sec.


Hurl a ball of energy at the target, dealing (57.75% of Spell power) Nature damage.


Launch a surge of stellar energies at the target, dealing (207% of Spell power) Astral damage, and empowering the damage bonus of any active Eclipse for its duration.

Moonkin Form

Shapeshift into Moonkin Form, increasing the damage of your spells by 10% and your armor by 125%, and granting protection from Polymorph effects.

Solar Beam

Summons a beam of solar light over an enemy target's location, interrupting the target and silencing all enemies within the beam. Lasts 8 sec.


Calls down waves of falling stars upon enemies within 40 yds, dealing (177.3% of Spell power) Astral damage over 8 sec.


Frost Death Knight

The Frost Death Knight is an icy harbinger of doom who channels ruin power and deals melee damage with vicious power strikes. These specs have a huge amount of burst damage and good crowd control since they can freeze all nearby foes for 1 second. They also have many benefits from Death Knight utilities, but they lack survivability abilities, then they’re an easy target to defeat. Their six core abilities are:




Howling Blast

Blasts the target with a frigid wind, dealing (82.5% of attack power) Frost damage to that foe, and (70.125% of attack power) Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards, infecting all targets with Frost Fever.

Frost Strike

Chills your weapons with icy power, and quickly strikes the enemy with both weapons, dealing a total of (560% of weapon damage) Frost damage.


A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of (456% + 456% of weapon damage) Physical damage.

Remorseless Winter

Drains the warmth of life from all nearby enemies, dealing (280.8% of attack power) Frost damage over 8 sec and reducing their movement speed by 50%.

Killing Machine

Your auto attack critical strikes have a chance to make your next Obliterate automatically critically strike.


Your Obliterate has a 45% chance and Frostscythe has a 22.5% chance to cause your next Howling Blast to consume no runes and deal 300% additional damage.

Restoration Shaman

Restoration Shamans are healers who call upon ancestral spirits and the cleansing power of the water to mend the wound of allies. A Resto Shaman has some advantages over other healers. They even can interrupt their spells. Still, they lack bigger cooldowns. Their six core abilities are:




Healing Surge

A quick surge of healing energy that restores (248% of Spell power) 0a friendly target's health.


Restorative waters wash over a friendly target, healing them for (250% of Spell power) and an additional (300% of Spell power) over 18 sec.

Tidal Waves

Casting Chain Heal or Riptide reduces the cast time of your next Healing Wave by 30% or increases the critical effect chance of your next Healing Surge by 40%. Stacks up to 2 times.

Chain Heal

Heals the friendly target for (380% of spell power), then jumps to heal the most injured nearby party or raid members. Healing is reduced by 30% after each jump. Heals 4 total targets.

Healing Stream Totem

Summons a totem at your feet for 15 sec that heals an injured party or raid member within 40 yards for (82% of spell power) every 2 sec.

Spirit Link Totem

Summons a totem at the target location for 6 sec, which reduces damage taken by all party and raid members within 10 yards by 10%. Immediately and every 1 sec, the health of all affected players is redistributed evenly.

Fire Mage

Fire Mages provide magic damage which ignites enemies with balls of fire and combustive flames. They offer good crowd control, decent sustained damage and strong burst damage. They still may have a little problem, as they lack a few defensive abilities, so this is a perfect specialization for those who head straight to battle. Their six core abilities are:




Fire Ball

Throws a fiery ball that causes (65% of spell power) Fire damage.


Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes (136.3% of spell power) Fire damage.

Hot Streak

Getting two direct-damage critical strikes in a row will make your next Pyroblast or Flamestrike spell instant cast, and cause double the normal Ignite damage.

Phoenix’s Flames

Hurls a Phoenix that causes (389.4% of Spell power) Fire damage to the target and splashes (129.8% of Spell power) Fire damage to other nearby enemies. This damage is always a critical strike.

Dragon’s Breath

Enemies in a cone in front of you take (58.25% of spell power) Fire damage and are disoriented for 4 sec. Damage will cancel the effect.


Increases your spells' critical strike chance by 100% and grants you Mastery equal to 50% your Critical Strike stat. Castable while casting other spells.

Beast Mastery Hunter

This is a DPS spec that provides ranged damage. They are a master of the wild who can tame a huge variety of beasts to assist them in combat. They also deliver huge burst damage from their pet thanks to Bestial Wrath. They are great in a team with Enhancement Shaman or Holy Paladin. Their six core abilities are:




Kill Command

Gives the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [(112% of Attack power) * (1 + Versatility)] Physical damage to its target.

Barbed Shot

Fires a shot that tears through your enemy, causing them to bleed for (108% of Attack Power) damage over 8 sec.

Sends your pet into a frenzy, increasing attack speed by 30% for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times.

Cobra Shot

A quick shot causing [(73.7% of Attack power) * ((min(Level - 1, 19) * 12 + 112) / 340)] Physical damage.

Bestial Wrath

Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing [(65% of Attack power) *(1 + Versatility)] Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 25% for 15 sec.

Kindred Spirits

Increases your maximum Focus and your pet's maximum Focus by 20.

Exotic Beasts

You master the art of beast training, teaching you the ability to tame Exotic pets.

Enhancement Shaman

This totem warrior delivers melee damage through weapons imbued with elemental power. They provide a lot of defensive and support skills with healing as well as good sustained damage. They make a good combination with Arms Warriors and Unholy Death Knight, providing insane burst damage and survivability. Their six core abilities are:




Flame Shock

Sears the target with fire, causing (19.5% of Spell power) Fire damage and then an additional (104.4% of Spell power) Fire damage over 18 sec. Flame Shock can be applied to a maximum of 6 targets.

Windfury Weapon

Imbues your main-hand weapon with the element of Wind for 1 hour. Each main-hand attack has a 25% chance of triggering two extra attacks, dealing (24% of Attack power) Physical damage each.

Lava Lash

Charges your off-hand weapon with lava and burns your target, dealing (625% of weapon damage) Fire damage.


Energizes both your weapons with lightning and delivers a massive blow to your target, dealing a total of (630% + 630% of weapon damage) Physical damage.

Feral Spirit

Summons two Spirit Wolves that aid you in battle for 15 sec. They are immune to movement-impairing effects and grant you 5 Maelstrom each time they attack.

Crash Lightning

Electrocutes all enemies in front of you, dealing (135% of spell power) Nature damage. Hitting 2 or more targets enhances your weapons for 10 sec, causing Stormstrike and Lava Lash to also deal 75% Nature damage to all targets in front of you.


Fury Warrior

This spec is a furious berserker who wields a weapon in each hand and delivers huge melee damage. They unleash a flurry of attacks to strike their opponents down. Their single target damage is good, but they lose out in AoE. They also lack stun and other abilities that can cause trouble to healers. Their six core abilities are:





Assaults the target in a bloodthirsty craze, dealing (68% of Attack power) Physical damage and restoring 5% of your health.


Becoming Enraged increases your damage done by 11%.

Titan’s Grip

Allows you to dual-wield a pair of two-handed weapons.


Enrages you and unleashes a series of 4 brutal strikes for a total of (264% of Attack power) Physical damage.

Enraged Regeneration

Reduces damage taken by 30%, and Bloodthirst restores an additional 20% health. Usable while stunned. Lasts 8 sec.


Goes berserk, increasing all Rage generation by 100% and granting your abilities 20% increased critical strike chance for 10 sec.

Assassination Rogue

This spec delivers massive damage by dispatching victims with vicious dagger strikes. They are also masters of poisons and can help with Burst Damage thanks to Cold Blood. One disadvantage: they lack survivability without access to Cheat Death and Shadowstep. Their six core abilities are:





Attacks with both weapons, dealing a total of (52.5% of Attack power) Physical damage.


Garrotes the enemy, causing (108% of Attack power) Bleed damage over 18 sec.


Finishing move that tears open the target, dealing Bleed damage over time. Lasts longer per combo point.

Fan of Knives

Sprays knives at all enemies within 10 yards, dealing (24.6% of Attack power) Physical damage and applying your active poisons at their normal rate. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets.


Finishing move that drives your poisoned blades in deep, dealing instant Nature damage and increasing your poison application chance by 30%. Damage and duration increased per combo point.


Marks an enemy for death for 20 sec, increasing the damage your abilities and auto attacks deal to the target by 30%, and making the target visible to you even through concealments such as stealth and invisibility.

Protection Warrior

This is a spec with a tank role in WotLK Classic. Basically, it’s a protector who uses a shield to safeguard themselves and their allies. They have a good number of stuns and good mobility. Besides, they work great with high damage classes. Their six core abilities are:




Shield Slam

Slams the target with your shield, causing (492.8% of attack power) Physical damage.

Shield Block

Raise your shield, blocking every melee attack against you for 6 sec.

Thunder Clap

Blasts all enemies within 8 yards for (330.8% of attack power) damage and reduces their movement speed by 50% for 10 sec.


Sends a wave of force in a frontal cone, causing (7.7805% of attack power) damage and stunning all enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec.

Shield Wall

Reduces all damage you take by 40% for 8 sec.


Transforms into a colossus for 20 sec, causing you to deal 20% increased damage and removing all roots and snares.

Survival Hunter

This is a decent melee DPS spec who uses animal venom, traps, and explosives as deadly weapons. To be honest, they do not have anything distinct in their abilities that provides an advantage over other specs. They have good tools against healers, but many other classes of WoW Classic have it the same. Their six core abilities are:




Raport Strike

A vicious slash dealing (100% of Attack power) Physical damage.

Kill Command

Gives the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [(112% of Attack power) * (1 + Versatility)] Physical damage to its target.

Serpent Sting

Fires a poison-tipped arrow at an enemy, dealing (20.3112% of Attack power) Nature damage instantly and an additional (95.004% of Attack power) damage over 12 sec.


Hurls a harpoon at an enemy, rooting them in place for 3 sec and pulling you to them.

Wildfire Bomb

Hurls a bomb at the target, exploding for (45% of Attack power) Fire damage in a cone and coating enemies in wildfire, scorching them for (90% of Attack power) Fire damage over 6 sec.

Coordinate Assault

You and your pet attack as one, increasing all damage you both deal by 20% for 20 sec.
While Coordinated Assault is active, Kill Command's chance to reset is increased by 25%


Combat Rogue

Sometimes called “Outlaws,” this spec provides melee damage. They are swashbucklers who use agility and guile to stand toe-to-toe with foes. Their six core abilities are:




Sinister Strike

Viciously strikes an enemy, causing (21.762% of Attack power) Physical damage.


Ambushes the target, causing (95.472% of Attack power) Physical damage.

Pistol Shot

Draws a concealed pistol and fires a quick shot at an enemy, dealing (35.1351% of Attack power) * ((1 + (Offhand attack power) / (Attack power)) * 2 / 3) Physical damage and reducing movement speed by 30% for 6 sec.

Blade Furry

While active, your melee attacks also strikes all nearby enemies for 30% of normal damage, but your Energy regeneration is reduced by 20%. Lasts until canceled.


Finishing move that dispatches the enemy, dealing damage per combo point:
  1 point: (142% of AP) damage
  2 points: (284% of AP) damage
  3 points: (426% of AP) damage
  4 points: (568% of AP) damage
  5 points: (710% of AP) damage

Roll of the Bones

Finishing move that rolls the dice of fate, providing a random combat enhancement. Lasts longer per combo point:
  1 point: 12 seconds
  2 points: 18 seconds
  3 points: 24 seconds
  4 points: 30 seconds
  5 points: 36 seconds

Holy Priest

This is a healer specialization. The members of this spec are versatile healers who can reverse damage on individuals or groups and even heal beyond death. They do not offer any relevant benefits but healing. They also do not have good cooldowns to mitigate damage. Their six core abilities are:





Smites an enemy for (47% of spell power) Holy damage.

Holy Word: Serenity

Performs a miracle, healing an ally for (2000% of spell power).

Holy Word: Chastise

Chastises the target for (450% of spell power) Holy damage and incapacitates them for 5 sec.

Holy Words

When you cast Flash Heal or Heal, the remaining cooldown on Holy Word: Serenity is reduced by 6 sec.

When you cast Prayer of Healing, the remaining cooldown on Holy Word: Sanctify is reduced by 6 sec and by 2 sec when you cast Renew. 

When you cast Smite, the remaining cooldown on Holy Word: Chastise is reduced by 4 sec.

Spirit of Redemption

Upon death, you become the Spirit of Redemption for 15 sec. You cannot move, attack, be attacked, or be targeted by any spells or effects, and your healing spells cost no mana. When the effect ends, you die.

Prayer of Mending

Places a ward on a party or raid member that heals them for (175% of spell power) the next time they take damage, and then jumps to another party or raid member within 20 yds. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump.

Blood Death Knight

This is a Tank role that manipulates and corrupts life energy to sustain them in the face of an enemy onslaught. As a tank class, they prolong fights as long as possible. They provide moderate burst damage and can deliver critical hits. Their six core abilities are:




Heart Strike

Instantly strikes the target and 1 other nearby enemy, causing 185% Physical damage, and reducing enemies' movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.

Death Strike

Focuses dark power into a strike that deals (225% of weapon damage) Physical damage and heals you for 20% of all damage taken in the last 5 sec, minimum 10% of maximum health.

Death and Decay

Corrupts the targeted ground, causing (39.6396% of Attack power) Shadow damage over 10 sec to targets within the area.

Blood Boll

Deals (375% of attack power) Shadow damage and infects all enemies within 10 yds with Blood Plague.

Gorefiend’s Grasps

Shadowy tendrils coil around all enemies within 20 yards of a hostile or friendly target, pulling them to the target's location.

Dancing Rune Weapon

Summons a rune weapon for 8 sec that mirrors your melee attacks and bolsters your defenses.

Protection Paladin

Protection Paladin is a decent Tank class that uses holy magic to shield them and defend allies from enemies. Still, they have less burst damage and support healing than other paladins. They can stun and keep a target locked down, waiting for a teammate delivers enough damage. Their six core abilities are:




Shield of the Righteous

Slams enemies in front of you with your shield, causing (42.5% of Attack power) Holy damage, and increasing your Armor by Holy:
(1.7 * Intellect), Protection, Retribution:(1.7 * Strength) for 4.5 sec.

Avenger’s Shield

Hurls your shield at an enemy target, dealing (52.416% of Attack power) Holy damage.


Consecrates the land beneath you, causing (45% of Attack power) Holy damage over 12 sec to enemies who enter the area. Limit 1.

Hammer of the Righteous

Hammers the current target for (27% of Attack power)% Physical damage.

While you are standing in your Consecration, Hammer of the Righteous also causes a wave of light that hits all other targets within 8 yds for (8.7048% of Attack power)% Holy damage.

Guardian of the Anciant Kings

Empowers you with the spirit of ancient kings, reducing all damage you take by 50% for 8 sec.

Ardent Defender

Reduces all damage you take by 20% for 8 sec.
While Ardent Defender is active, the next attack that would otherwise kill you will instead bring you to 20% of your maximum health.

Bottom Line

We hope we’ve helped you clarify the best PvP specializations and classes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. We recommend you try the classes you believe you might like. The expansion is around the corner, so choose wisely your character, class, and spec and start the adventure in Northrend!

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